Dr. J Harper Kent Scholar Bursary Award Recipients

The Dr. J. Harper Kent Scholar Bursary Award is awarded each year to one Bathurst region high school graduate entering his or her first year of an undergraduate degree. The recipient is awarded a $50,000 scholarship over a 4 year period.

Emma Armstrong

Emma Armstrong est finissante à l’ESN dans la classe de 2024. Elle est très fière de son parcours fait à date, que ce soit au niveau sportif dans l’équipe de volleyball de son école depuis 7 ans, au niveau de la vie scolaire en tant que Présidente de l’ESN pour l’année de 2023-2024, et dans de nombreux autres comités dans les années précédentes ainsi qu’au niveau communautaire, entre autres avec le Relais pour la Vie, le souper spaghetti Richelieu, etc. Emma est quelqu’un d’optimiste, persévérante et ouverte d’esprit. Emma adore se donner des défis et pousser ses limites.

Emma va commencer ses études en D.S.S. à l’Université de Moncton pour poursuivre en médecine, puis elle veut revenir travailler à Bathurst afin de développer notre belle région qui combine un accès exceptionnel a la nature ainsi qu’une vie culturelle dynamique.

Vickly Lee

Vickly Lee graduated from Bathurst High School as the valedictorian of the class of 2023, achieving a 98.55% average. Throughout his high school career, he actively engaged in diverse extracurriculars, contributing significantly to both the school and the Bathurst community. He was a member of various varsity sports teams such as soccer, basketball, and volleyball along with student council and other clubs demonstrating leadership and commitment.

Vickly exemplifies a model student, fostering meaningful connections not only with peers but also with teachers and staff. He approaches challenges with determination and embraces opportunities with gratitude, consistently striving for personal growth while supporting others. Currently attending Western University, Vickly is pursuing a Bachelor of Medical Sciences, laying the foundation for a career in the medical field.

Ève Kamille Bourgoin

Ève Kamille Bourgoin (elle/la) fait partie des finissants 2022 de l’ESN. Toujours pleine d’énergie, de créativité et de gentillesse, elle fut très active dans sa communauté scolaire en tant que trésorière du conseil étudiant 2021-2022. Une jeune passionnée dans tout ce qu’elle entreprend, Ève Kamille prit chaque opportunité qui lui était offerte afin de grandir dans la personne authentique et colorée qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Danseuse, mathématicienne, artiste, actrice et amatrice de physique, elle adore le monde de l'art, mais surtout le monde des sciences et mathématiques. Cet automne, elle commencera ses études en génie civil avec une année préparatoire à l’Université de Moncton et elle souhaite ensuite continuer ses études à Polytechniques à Montréal.

Mot de conseil: Soyez fidèle à vous-même

Ève Kamille Bourgoin (she/her) is part of the 2022 graduates of ESN. Always full of energy, creativity and kindness, she was very active in her school community as treasurer of the 2021-2022 student council. A young woman passionate in everything she undertakes, Ève Kamille took every opportunity offered to her in order to grow into the authentic and colorful person she is today. Dancer, mathematician, artist, actress and lover of physics, she loves the world of art, but especially the world of science and mathematics. This fall, she will begin her studies in civil engineering with a preparatory year at the University of Moncton and she then wishes to continue her studies at Polytechniques in Montreal.

Word of advice: Be true to yourself

Jolin Vienneau

Graduer de l’ESN en 2021, Jolin Vienneau fit parti du conseil étudiant au poste de trésorier lors de l’année scolaire 2020-2021. Durant son parcours scolaire, il participa à de multiples activités parascolaires dont le volleyball, l’harmonie et multiples d’autres. Élève modèle pour ces camarades de classe, il est toujours présent pour aider ceux-ci et ce tout avec un sourire sur le visage. A l’aide de ces profs, il se trouva attirer en particulier par les sciences. Cet automne il vas étudier à l’université de Montréal en mathématiques. Il espère, dans le futur, obtenir son doctorat dans cette matière.

Jolin aime la musique, sports, lecture, voyage et les gens ! 

Word of advice : Be kind.

Émilie Risdon

Émilie Risdon graduated from Bathurst High School in 2020 as valedictorian. She is interested in sports, music, faith, writing, and helping others, and was heavily involved in various clubs and teams throughout her time at BHS, as well as in the Bathurst community. Now an active part of her Saint Francis Xavier University campus community, she is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health with a Biomedical concentration. Currently in her second year at StFX, she is a member of Orientation Crew, Catholics at X, Intramural sport teams, as well as the Canadian Catholic Students’ Association Executive. 

Shaughnessy Riordon

Shaughnessy Riordon is a 2019 Bathurst High School graduate. He was valedictorian of his graduating class (99.13% average) and won the Governor General Medal. He was student council President this year and was Vice-President last year. He has played on numerous varsity sports teams; Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Track & Field. He was very instrumental in bringing back the Buddy Club at Bathurst High School and truly champions the underdog. In his spare time Shaughnessy enjoys reading, travelling, playing the piano and saxophone. He also works on his family's dairy farm. In the fall, Shaughnessy will be attending University of New Brunswick in Fredericton and plans on majoring in Bio-Chemistry.   

Lauren Tulloch

Lauren Tulloch (she/they) graduated from BHS in 2018 as salutatorian. Among her honours for English and French, Lauren received accolades for leadership and excellence in drama/music. She won the Chaleur’s Outstanding Youth Award in the Arts category in 2018 and participated in multiple provincial poetry slam competitions. Having participated in 27 different activities throughout high school, Lauren graduated a leader and supporter for their fellow peers.

Currently, Lauren attends King’s College and is in their fourth year of the Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) program. She strives to be a leader for her fellow Haligonian queer community and participates in local theatre.

Kelly Gauvin

Kelly Gauvin is the first recipient of the Dr. J. Harper Kent Scholar Bursary. Kelly is an outstanding example of a student who has made a meaningful contribution to her community and reflects the value of the Dr. J. Harper Kent Scholar. Kelly graduated from École Secondaire Népisiguit in 2017 . Having attended Université de Moncton's Shippagan campus for her first two years, Kelly has been accepted in med school beginning in the fall of 2019.  

Kelly is active in school and its extracurricular activities.  She was Intern Vice President of the Student Association, and when not in school, she organizes summer camps for young adults on the autism spectrum.

Scholarship Recipients Scholarship Recipients
Araya-Yohanes, Ab
Babineau, Joelle
Bertin, Cloé
Berubé, Clara
Blanchard, Sara Eve
Boudreau, Myriam
Boudreau, Myriam
Branch-Whitehead, Mackenzie
Brewster, Anna
Buraglia, Sophia
Clément, William Serge
Colton, Nicholas
Comeau, Arianne
Comeau, Brandon
Comeau, Genviève
Comeau, Myriam
Cormier, Shamus
Cunnison, Bereket
David, Nicholas
DeGrace, Mathias
Dobson, Amaya
Dorkhom, Ibrahim
Doucet Callie
Doucet, Annie
Doucet, Dany Daphnée
Duffy, Diana
Duffy, Meghan
Duguay, Audrey
Duguay, Samuel
Dumaresq, Isabelle
Dunn, Jade
Fisher, Hailey
Fournier, Ella
Frenette, Audrey
Gionet, Gabrielle
Godin, Olivier
Godin, Sarah
Godin-LeBreton, Emma
Guérette, Jolin
Guitard, Joanie
Johnstone, Carley
Kane, Joseph
Kelly, Amber
Kelly, Amber
Knowles, Acasha
Kramer, Angel
Landry, Raphaelle
Landry, Sarah
Landry, Vanessa
Lanteigne, Marie-Ève
LeBlanc, Audrey Maude
LeBlanc, Jolyane
LeBreton, Chloe
Lee, Breanna
Lurette, Sarah-Maude
MacCallum, Clae
MacDonald, Cassidy
MacDonald, Eric
Malenko-Nevins, Alexis
Mallais, Christophe
Murphy, Emma
Paulin, Maxime
Pethick, Emily
Pitre, Danika
Potvin, Maxime
Richard, Alexandre
Rioux, Zoé
Robichaud, Jessica
Rogers, Padden
Roy, Madison
Roy, Michael Alexis
Savoie, Yanik
Scott, Simon
Seth, Inayyat
Smith, Sheldon
Spencer, Sydney
St. Amand, Haley
Strong-Roy, Kassidy
Theriault, Kaleb
Tremblay, Megan
Vandenbrand, Curtis
Vienneau, Emily
Vienneau-Godin, Hailey

The deadline to apply is always June 1st.

You would be very surprised how often students miss this deadline so our advice to you is bold and simple...